How Do You Know Youre Called to Ministry

Among evangelical churches, the call to ministry is ofttimes misunderstood. Some view the call to ministry as an altogether personal, individual determination. If ane believes themselves to be called to ministry, that settles it. What gives the church, or whatsoever other deliberative body, the right to question what God called me to practise? If a person cocky-identifies as called to ministry, that is evidence enough, so the statement goes.

Others view God's telephone call as an entirely mystical, subjective experience. They believe that to evaluate one's call to ministry in objective terms is altogether unspiritual. They shrug off biblical expectations for ministry, such as one Timothy iii:1-vii and Titus 1:6-9. They view God as too big, too dynamic to confine Himself to His written Discussion. If someone thinks the Spirit is leading them into ministry building, i need non be held up by biblical or congregational expectations.

However we view calling, we must be sure about God's qualifications for ministry and certain He has set the states apart for such service. Along these lines, review with me seven questions, indicators that God has called y'all into the ministry.

i. Does your graphic symbol friction match God's expectations?

First Timothy three:1-seven and Titus 1:6-9 are paramount here. You should carefully review and reflect on these passages. Moreover, you should invite others to assess your life forth these lines, and remember that these qualifications are not a one-time threshold to cross, but are an ongoing expectation for the minister.

ii. Do yous want the work of ministry building?

Equally nosotros have seen, longing for the work of ministry is not only advisable, information technology is essential. That inner longing for ministry will serve as a magnet, pulling you lot forward throughout various seasons and trials of ministry building. If ministry is one of many opportunities before you lot, each seeming similarly bonny, that is a sign that you may not be chosen to the ministry building. As the apostle Paul makes clear, you lot should want the work of ministry building.

3. Are you gifted to teach the Word?

As you review 1 Timothy 3, you will note the merely real difference between the office of the deacon and the office of the elder is the ability to teach. Of course, at that place are varying levels of accomplishment. Gifting, training, experience, and a host of other factors will determine how strong you are equally a preacher and/or teacher, just the pastor must have a baseline ability to minister God's Word to God's people.

four. Do you currently encounter fruit from your ministry activities?

By this, I mean: Accept y'all seen God anoint some of your efforts in the ministry so far? Have people seemed to do good from your didactics and preaching? Take you been able to lead anyone to Christ? These are simply a few questions that you can use to gauge the fruit of your labor. If you have not seen any fruit so far, that does not mean necessarily y'all should give up. Rather, go to your pastor and seek more opportunities, and pray fervently for God to anoint your efforts.

5. Are you lot passionate virtually the gospel and the Great Commission?

A passion for the gospel is a good sign that the Lord is calling you to ministry. When Paul reflected in Romans 10 on the gospel, he was emphatic that people cannot hear the gospel message without a messenger delivering it to them. If the idea of people coming to faith in Christ does not stir you, that is not a skilful sign.

vi. Does your church affirm your calling?

Ultimately, all the preceding questions are to be adjudicated by the local church. The Bible indicates the local church is responsible to call out the called. More specifically, the local church is responsible for who it calls to minister to the congregation. The church building knows best how fit an individual in their midst is for ministry building. Wait to them for affidavit.

vii. Finally, are you willing to surrender?

As I wrote earlier, the idea of surrendering to ministry is oft misunderstood, and I one time misunderstood information technology. But the one who would government minister faithfully must be submissive to God's call whenever and wherever He issues it. That is not just equally you lot enter ministry, it is throughout your ministry. Throughout your ministry, God volition call yous to specific tasks and to specific people, some more than desirable than others. Will you lot follow wherever He leads?

This post is an excerpt from Jason K. Allen'southward new book, Letters to My Students, Volume 2.

Find more from Jason Thou. Allen at

Letters to My Students, Volume 2

Messages to My Students, Volume 2

Messages to My Students is a biblical, accessible guide for ministers and ministers-in-preparation. It brings both biblical and practical wisdom to touch the minister's three main responsibilities: preaching, leading, and shepherding the flock of God.

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Dr. Jason Thousand. Allen serves as the fifth president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, in Kansas City, Mo., and is one of the youngest presidents in all of American higher education. In add-on to his office every bit President, Dr. Allen serves the establishment in the classroom, equally a professor for preaching and pastoral ministry building. More broadly, he serves the church building through his preaching and writing ministries as well. He is the author of ii recently-released books, The SBC & the 21st Century and Discerning Your Phone call to Ministry building. Dr. Allen regularly posts essays on his website,, and hosts a weekly podcast, "Preaching & Preachers."


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